
To Cure What Ails Us

Fifteen million dollars on security. Eighteen million dollars on construction. Five hundred fifty three million dollars on energy.

Ten years in construction. Five cubic kilometers of internal space, half of them belonging to the central chamber.

Eight thousand employees, including six world-class chefs. Twelve thousand military personnel assigned to new bases constructed nearby.

Ninety-two senators’ pledges of support. United Nations’ approval; certification of design specifications by the NRC .

Twenty thousand miles of new power lines; eight hundred substation overhauls.

Three independent studies on environmental impacts. Four studies on safety. Nine on public opinion.

Thirty-four press conferences. Ten thousand pages of published papers, documentation, proposals, and advertising.

The Colorado Springs Microsingularity Reactor Facility was complete. Soon, North America would have all the energy it could ever need, for almost no cost.

Zero danger. It was all a fraud. We had discovered cold fusion.

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