My Own Jailer [Desperate Monologue Challenge]
I want out. I just really want out. Is that so much to ask for? These voices are starting to scare me. I don’t know how much longer I can take it…
I want to hurt something, maybe me, but something is telling me that that’s probably not a smart idea. It worked last time, though…I need some sort of escape. There must be some secret way out, some trapdoor or something.
No, there’s not—I knew that long ago. Because I am physically free to do what I like, and so therefore, there’s no physical door out. I’ve already tried. Breaking glass, splintered doors, but still, trapped. Just trapped.
The voices are tell me to do bad things. I don’t want to do it, but I think probably I can’t resist. I think they have some sort of weird control over me…
I envy people who are locked in jail. Really, I think they have it made. At least they’re trapped with locks.
Eventually, they get out.
I can’t.
Because, it’s awfully hard to escape when you’re the jailer. When you’re trapped in your own mind, there’s no escape.