
Someone's Special Girl [Mode for Love Challenge}

Well, I guess it was because, really, I knew that no human would ever love me. I mean, really love me, the “You’re the most special thing in the world” kind of love. Sure, my parents love me, but I wanted to be someone’s special girl.

I’ve always been a pretty messed-up girl, though. What with mood swings, anxieties, the works…no one wants someone with so much emotional baggage. At least that’s what I thought.

I was desperate. I wanted someone who could break just as easily as I could, someone who had time to deal with my emotions because they didn’t have any of their own. I wanted someone who wouldn’t care what I freak I am.

And he didn’t. He was absolutely perfect. Model 34-OPKV. Blond, blue-eyed. He was everything I had wanted in a human, and he said, in his tinny voice, he loved me. Sure, he ran on fuel, and I had to recharge him every day, but I thought I loved him.

But the one thing that he taught me, in our time together, is that I can do better than a robot. I deserve a person. I can be loved.

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