
Sleepless Nights

Garret`s sister, she`s not a part of his life now, but where do people like that always go for help. They ask the ones that care the most, the ones that can`t bare to see bad things happen to them. So I too take advantage of this.

She gives me an adress, I assure her I am going to help, I look like a nice guy. I am not.

Garret is sleeping, I wake him up. He`s not excited to see me, the hovel he`s sleeping in shows how much he wanted to avoid this moment.

It`s in his hand, he can`t lie about it now. I take it from him and leave him to the fatman. Sometimes It`s better to leave them alive, sometimes bait is needed.

I follow the fatman`s van to a building uptown, I have the tape now and the address. I head home.

I watch the tape. Interesting stuff, certainly worth killing for. Garret was crazy to think he could blackmail the fatman, his eyes and hands are far reaching.

The fatman will go down, I will take him down.

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