The Phone Call
At first I was worried. What if something had happened to him? What if he needed my help? All sorts of things were running through my mind… horrible things. I never once thought that it was voluntary, that he wanted to leave me.
I called so much, I left so many messages. After a month, I was sick with worry. Literally, I was sick. I was dizzy and nauseous, and I even threw up a couple of times. Finally it dawned on me that maybe, maybe, he wasn’t coming back, that he didn’t want to come back. But I hated myself for thinking that. How could I think that bad about Ted, I Ioved him after all.
But then, one day, he did call. I don’t know what made him do it, but he did. He didn’t tell me much, only that he didn’t want to be with me, he wanted to be with her. And he told me that he wasn’t coming back.
Sitting here next to the counter in the kitchen, I can remember it so clearly, just sitting right here, for hours, crying. I wouldn’t even have come back here, 10 years later, if it wasn’t for her.