In the Mode For Love 5
As I lay helpless on the ground, I can feel the warmth of blood covering my still-trembling body.
“No. No no no. NO!”
Draped around me is the lifeless body of my darling beloved.
Four bleeding wounds, from four bullets; bullets shot out of a chamber of a small handgun- that was aimed at me.
Two hit the back of his head.
One shot through his left shoulder.
The last, pierced through his gentle heart.
Panicked, I sat up and cradled his limp body in my arms.
Lifting his head with the palm of my crimson-stained hands, I could already see it was too late.
There was no life in his eyes.
He was looking right at me,
But there was no life in his eyes.
I scream from the depths of my soul; a voice so anguished and heart-broken
I don’t even recognize it as my own.
Slowly I begin to rock back and forth as I hold his body close to mine,
As if I could protect him.
As if I believed holding him tightly would bring him back to me.