
Car Meets Girl

I’ve been driven by a lot of cute girls in my time, but I think there’s really something special about this one. Sure, she’s been with other cars. Who over 16 hasn’t? But she’s not carrying a sparkplug for any of them, I can tell. And I can tell she doesn’t care that I’ve been with other drivers either.

She has a marvelously light touch on my wheel and pedals. Sometimes I hardly even notice she’s there, until she steps down just enough, or twists the wheel just enough, to avoid hitting that dog that’s run out into the street, or that trash can somebody’s knocked over. She’s not like some of the the leadfeet I’ve had to put up with, overheating my motor and leaving me gasping for gas. Do they think they’re in the Indy 500? This girl will use me, but she wouldn’t abuse me.

So if I can just let her know how I feel about her, tomorrow we’ll go down and make sure our insurance is compatible, and then we’ll get the license.

I just know we’ll drive happily ever after. I feel it in my water filter.

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