
WOW Squidward

He said those three words to me, “I love you.” while standing in his converses. He wore them that day on purpose, I knew for sure. I can recall telling someone that I was going to wear mine that very same day.

I had to test him now he was cute…I guess.
Short(it’s okay)
Massive smile with sparkling white teeth(wow)
Converse(my IN)

He wore those converses that day, the same day as me, the same color, so I tried him. I said,”You have to have them dirty to be cool.” my stupid sixth grade self and he did. He walked away from the front of our classroom to a puddle of mud. He looked up and smiled at me before stepping directly into the puddle of brown. Dirt and mud and more dirt came out with his convereses. The once clean white tips were now soaking and sloppy. And he smiled at me again.

I laughed. I cackled at the top of my lungs, so loud and so long that an eighth grader perused me. I laughed so much that Squidward probably would have came out of the ocean to talk to me about laughboxes. W-O-W.

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