White♥Black(Challenge Colors)
Melody gripped the strap on her white tank top.To her life was either black or white, or for some matters gray. For her it was mostly white. To her white was bright and fresh color, if you want to consider it a color. Melody wasnt a girl to dwell on the past and white was that color that was bright as anybodys trying future. And the fututre has nothing to do with the past. In her mind if you dwelled on the past you have no life, becasue nothing new will happen in the past. Past events cant be changed and those events were either white, black or gray. Which in other words they were happy, sad, or just somewhere in between. She ran her fingers through her dirty blonde hair as she walked down the street, taking in the sights around her. Her cell phone let out a few rings as she dug through her purse to find it.
“Hey.” she said.
“Just wanted to tell you to turn around.” Tim said. She turned around and there he was. She ran and he held her in his arms. This was definately a white moment.