someday, I think your a great writer you are going to be famous one day. I am not kidding. just don’t forget about the little people like me when you are! and 4. made me think of something really funny someone asked me how do you come up with deep rooted like philoshopical thought. I just laughed and told her you have to sit and think a lot. she said that seems to hard. I just laughed!
I met my child’s father online. Oh my gosh, thats embarrassing LoL! How am I going to explain that one to her?? Well, after a year of friendship we started hanging out, we got into a realtionship, and then I ended up pregnant. Had to end it with him tough, he didn’t take it maturely.
& on number 4. that’s ALL me =] I am a lone tree in the middle of a grassland and I like it that way.
number one, three. four and five are me. i think you are a fabulous writer. you are my inspiration. i’m serious. whenever i see you’ve written something new, i have to read it because i know it will be great/insightful/well-written/heartwarming/etc. and i just shared my deepest darkest secrets in my post. i hope you get through whatever is eating at you. good luck dear, your in my prayers/blessings/faithless mutterings. i love you dear. good luck. great job.
i agree with 1, 3, and 4. and with nectarine. your my inspiration, also. okay, i’m going to say something that i told myself i wasn’t.. but alright. you know that poem i wrote, I Will Help? “Deep down inside i know you cry, i’ve seen the scars and i don’t have to ask why..” that one? well, i was sorta imagining i was you and making editorial marks here and there that i thought you would do, and then when you sent me that note, it made me feel better than you could have imagined.
Hmm, lots of deep, dark secrets floating around. Kind of tells you something, doesn’t it? Maybe, just maybe, we all have a few. LoA (not me though, oh no, not me…not that I’m telling anyway)
emma jo_234
One Time, One Chance
THX 0477
Saint Chuck
Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy
More Than Meets The Eyes