5 Things I Fear
1. That someday I will wake up and I won’t remember anything.
I won’t know my name, any of my best friends or where I live. I will just…...... forget.
2. That people won’t like the real me.
I feel that I have to lie to make people like me. I hate that I have to think everything over before I say it
3. That I will have no friends
Maybe someday they will all just realize they don’t like me or something
4. That I will lose my power to visit the dead.
Someday God might just not come down to me and take me with him to heaven. I kinda think He already does this sometimes.
5. That maybe some boy will never be crazy enough to love me.
He might just think I’m a little to freaky for him and he might just leave one day (that is if I ever find a boy in general)