The power is in your hand, the weapon is at your mercy, and the victim is the pain you can’t feel.
You relieve the feeling of no senses when you slice through your skin.
As you bleed and it drips, you contain your breath, all the anxiety, the hate, the hurt, the pain, the emotions come out. That is your escape, other than that your a dead soul. Anything can happen and nothing will surprise you, you have been through it all. Deep in your mind you feel a twinge of guilt, but it’s a control, a stability, the fact that you know your still alive and you still breath.
If there is a God, deliver me from my sins.
If there is a friend, hold me in your arms.
If there is a hope, show me the light.
I need all I can get to survive.
The blood that pours from me, comes from the soul, it’s not a cliche, it’s not something I desire for anyone, DON ’T do it. You will never find yourself out of this hell AGAIN .
* I went through this & this is how I used to feel. So that you get an idea of what they go through everyday.*