After failing at NaNoWriMo (only 16,000 words), I’m back to write more ficlets. I hope some of you are still enjoying The Insane Knight. Comments, good or bad, are appreciated.
The Insane Knight was gone, possibly dead. . {Alexa screams: “Noooooo!!!!”} . {Alexa knows that extra exclamation points are useless and perhaps tacky, but still felt they were necessary this time.} . Being dead himself, Tlod wasn’t sure how to react. . {Alexa has a sliver of hope.} . {Alexa sees there is no sequel and fears the worst.} . Need I say I loved it? You know I did. . Oh, and Horse talks? Awesome!
Hobo Beard Bob
Alexa ♥
Alexa ♥
Lone Writer