
5 Things I've Never said Out Loud

1. Writing keeps me sane. Encouraging others to write is something that gives me pleasure.

2. People say time heals all wounds. I disagree, the more time that passes since my mother died, the lonlier I feel, the more I cry. Don’t believe it when people say that it will get easier, it gets harder as each day goes by with out her. They mean well, but they repeat the platitudes they’ve heard others say. I cry more now than ever before in my life.

3. The best friends I’ve ever had I met 1st online. Without these friends, life would be impossible.

4. My family and friends are my life, I put them first above me in all things.I Love my nieces and nephews. My bond and love for my mother is unequaled. My Father is a Saint, patient, kind, loving, caring a provider,a man of morals and principles and by far my biggest hero in Life. I promised my mother to look after him and I will.

5.Im Ocd, I’m confused about many things, but I have a belief in God and am spiritual. You Make it Happen is my motto.

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