
Z prepared

I finished reading World War Z about a week and a half ago. Boy was I paranoid.

I couldn’t leave to go to work in the morning (you know those dark winter mornings) without first scoping out the surrounding area as well as behind the house and inside my car. Days went by and my fear didn’t subside which was really odd.

It always seemed so eerily quiet especially when snow covered the ground as was the case last Friday. I left the house and as usual checked around the corner. That’s when I heard a scraping shuffling sound. I just knew my wife had to be playing a mean trick on me. When I turned, I saw this “guy” walking toward me dragging his leg in the snow behind him.

I stood there for about two seconds like a deer caught in the headlights before I saw his eye hanging from the socket. I finally snapped out of it. I went to the back garage door and got my large ax.

As I came out, two more were headed for me from the drainage easement out back. I thanked the heavens that they weren’t the fast zombies.

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