The followed pursuit
As we cast our eyes upon our target, the sleepy village of Calodwell, a soldier cried in alarm, ” what devilry be this?! Not a soul thus inhabits these dwellings!”
“Aye,” agreed another, ” not a single one can be seen.”
So we proceeded to move through the village in a fruitless attempt, though what could our commanders do? Our elusive target had averted us once again, and at that moment it seemed that all our daring escapes had been for naught.
Some men even thought of going back, thinking death would be better than failure after failure. Yet unto the dark always comes light, as the moon has yet to fail the night sky, and holding this truth self evident, a lone figure was suddenly spotted on the horizon.
Oh what joy this brought our hearts, as we wooped and hollered. Immediatly the order was given to follow the figure, as it began to dash away.
And seemingly with it, so did our elation, for as we watched it dash away, we realized again how near immpossible it was to catch. We were on the move again.