

Lying against the roof of my car starring at the stars. Is it possible I could feel this alone?

My only comfort is the music playing in my car. Every song, every lyric ripping tears out of my eyes. My cheeks and ears are soaked from my tears.

The warmth of the air is the only thing that comforts me now. I feel so very alone, and very small in comparison, to these distant gems in the sky.

I stare at the starrs in my blurred vision. Wishing i was up there instead of down here.

Nobody deserves this sort of pain, this mental anguish. This sort of pain somehow seems to be designed for me.

My musceles ache from my constant crying. The stars seem to be mocking me.

I scan the sky for a shooting star.. The fleeting blaze of brillaince that dashes across the sky. One like the path my tear takes as it leaves my eye.

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