
Athena's Station Part 6

“You should have gotten one with two seats,” she said.

“The Cuban Air Force didn’t have very many of those. This one was the best I could find.”

“I was wondering why the gauges were all in Spanish.”

“Didn’t you recognize the flag on the rudder?”

“I don’t have any books with flags in ‘em.” Athena was looking in one low corner of the dashboard. “Ut oh.”


“I’d better pull this out.” She reached underneath and plucked an object from a bank of fuses. She looked at the object in her hand a moment and handed it to DeepPeace.

“What did you do that for?”

She got up from the pilot’s seat. “We have a few minutes to get at the explosive charge bolted to this plane’s engine. There’s a toolbox just inside the back door next to the washing machine. We’ll need it.”

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