The allusion of illusion
One day, you’ll remember. You’ll recall everything that has occurred here with lucid clarity. You’ll be able to impart the story onto others, ensuring it never dies. You’ll make sure those people, those brave people who volunteered their lives for the future you are to live in, will have their tale told.
That time is not now, though. It’s simply far too early. The wound is still open, the scar is still fresh. The world needs time to heal before this story can see its conclusion, before you can make the chance.
I get the feeling none of this makes any sense to you. That’s expected. But then, did anything ever make sense? Even when you do remember, the answers will not come straight away. Some will not come to you at all – they are answers that will be discovered further down the years, later in the story.
But your position in this story is pivotal. Without you, the story has no ending. Without you, it never had a beginning. That’s how life works, sometimes.
Now forget.