
How to Lose Two Women Instead of Just One

“Why does she still see him? It can’t be anything more than physical.”

“She has power over him. There’s always a glassy mix of wonder and intimidation in his eyes when they’re around each other. It’s a dangerous combination for a man, and an irresistible one for a woman. Especially a woman as confident as she is.”

“But it’s empty. And she and I have a history – granted, one that’s rocky, but a history nevertheless. And I came back, after years of what she calls ‘running away.’ That’s got to count for something.”

“For whom? Not for her, because she’s got power over you, too.”

“How do you figure?”

“You’re sitting here. Right? In the same city, in one of the very places we all hang out, and you’re sitting here. You left behind a perfectly good job and a perfectly good woman in Charleston to be here. I would imagine that she believes you’re chasing after her. Power.”

“But I’ve played it cool. Haven’t I?”

“Yep. Yet another reason why she’s with him at this very moment and not you.”

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