

My hijab is part of me, no matter what they say. I am proud to be Muslim. I am proud to light the candles on holiday and say the prayers that are pleasing to God. I am different and I accept that just like I accept that I am different.

But I wish I had friend like the other girls and boys. I wish someone would accept me into her circle, my hijab included. But if I have to I’ll be friends with my little cousins and temple friends.

However their is this one girl. They treat her different too. She doesn’t wear a hijab on her head she wears a golden cross around her neck. She is like me – proud of her religion, proud of her heritage. She came over to me and invited me over for hot cocoa.

We became friend as we plopped marshmallows into out cups and laughed by her fireplace. Her family prays before meals, but pray to a different God, but they aren’t mean about it. They let me pray my way – and let me teach them my prayer.

Arm and arm we walk into school, best friends through our differences and similarities.

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