
5 Hates and 5 Loves of Mine

5 Things I hate

I hate crying. I hate pity parties, the ones where everyone has to have the Worst Life EVER !

I hate getting up early. Especially when it’s cold.

I hate people who have influence, but don’t help you up the ladder of success. Especially when they kick you down.

I hate being stereotyped, not able to break out of the box everyone puts you in.

5 Things I Love

I love quiet solitude in a shady spot on a 76 degree day.

I love how fire dances, burns in different colors, creates heat hazes that blur the outlines, casts soft shadows hiding imperfections, and soothes chilly fingers and toes.

I love searching for the longest icicle, building snowmen, sledding, and making snow angels. The hot cocao is nice too.

I love feeling appreciated, helpful, and useful. You know, the feeling you get when others know you’ve done a good job.

I love feeling organized, together, and in control. I love having a clear direction and knowing I’m headed right for it.

Mostly, my life is a combination of these things

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