I looked horrible. My body was battered and bruised, my face covered in blood. I had been hit in the head so many times I could barely speak. It was an hour after my brawl with Tyler. I was in the BWF , Backyard Wrestling Federation, founded in Kentucky. At first I thought it was dumb. But then everybody was doing it. They all got the girls, they didn’t look that beat up. I went to my first match and won. I pounded that kids face in. The next day I had more friends and hot girls around me than I could imagine. I kept fighting, my body became weak and I could barely fight. But I could’nt stop, not now. That’s when I got in a brawl with Tyler. He was bigger than me and he was a veteran BWFer. I had no chance but I tried. He left me mangled, and nobody hangs out with a broken, mangled loser. so, everyone left, i lay there crushed, hurting, on the inside and out. I crawled to my car and went home. My parents couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe it. I lost it all.