

We are living in purgatory, taking a test. We fail or we succeed on this test. Theres no second chance . We do it once and recieve our grade. Are we making wise choices, are we thinking the problems through? Are we doing the work to solve each problem, or are we taking a wild chance? The test is many pages long, each could probably take a year. Each problem getting harder and harder as we flip through each page.Each page is differant with every question asked and every problem in need of solving. Is this test hard to you, is it easy? Depends on how your thinking. Are you taking this test to the fullest with you smarts? So many pages are behind by now and time is almost up. God takes your test and reviews it. He is the judge of the living and the dead, the teacher marking your test. He hands it back to you face down, theres two arrows on it but only one is circled. Is yours pointing up, is it poiting down?

"Lifes a test."
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