Lost Todd
It all started in Todd’s very early senior year of college. While his fellow peers became rebels and last minute chaotics that year, he became an adult. ..Or at least he became what he thought was a proper, responsible adult.
Since then, Todd wakes up with a positive attitude and low expectations an hour before he needs to leave. After skimming the newspaper, he makes his bed hospital style and irons his tie.
His everyday suit is always some shade of blue, never black.
Todd’s breakfast is a meal bar purchased at the local Walgreens and if he feels extremely outgoing, maybe an original Eggo Waffle.
Everything is done on time and in robot fashion. Todd has lost himself.
At least, this was how everything went for him until Tuesday, March 7th. On that peculiar Tuesday, Todd was running a minute late in his navy blue pinstriped suit. He hastily scanned the paper on his way out the door, original routine scattered.
Tuesday, March 7th, Todd found his own picture in the local newspaper’s obituaries.