
My Almost Decision, or I am a Libra afterall.....{Jenunique's 50th Ficlet Challenge}

Okay, I have almost made a decision. Well, not really.

But as of now, I have a few favorites. Okay, not really, to that either. I like them all.

And I am surprised that one has blossomed into a huge story of epic proportions, almost. ;) The Pleading Gaunt by Fyora Cartagan. Congratulations on that!

I suppose I should give recognition for something else…. Okay, I love the humor factor in Capital W Writer’s While Strolling, and the Wow Factor in Mr Reeses The Replica.

And I am not about to leave out soccerISmylife nor butterflygirl6106 for their entries An It (didn’t make me happy to find out there was more than one :/ ) and Crab Creature on Steroids (so glad it walked past you ;) , because they took the time to be inspired by the crazy photo of my choosing and did a very nice job, I must add.

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