
Five Things that Scare the Life out of Me

This one really took alot of thought. But, here goes:

1. One day my boys will look down at me and say, “Boy Mom, you really Frak’d us up.” This would be very unpleasant.

2. Things I cannot control: Crowds, meteors hurtling toward the earth, tornados, spontaneous combustion (I have seen the photos after all), other drivers, other life forms ...

3. That I have missed my actual “calling” in life and am not on the path that I should be on, doing what I can to make the world a better place for those who will come after me.

4. That I will not make it to my 120th birthday that I am so adamantly demanding that I see, in spite of the Palm reader’s predictions that told me, I would see the grand old age of 81 (also, that I would be with the same husband I was at the time of the reading, which, by the way, she was mistaken on that one too). Eighty- one is not quite grandly old enough for me.

5. That one day I will wake up and it will all have been just a dream and I am still five years old.

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