
Stand Up Tall

“Mom! They’re gonna laugh at me!”

“Honey, no one’s going to laugh. And if they do, you just stand up tall and ignore them.”

“Mom! Standing up tall doesn’t fix anything!” But I go in anyway, scared out of my wits. I try to do what Mom says, but walking into a sophomore homeroom with a baseball cap over my bald head is unfortunately going to take a lot more than that.

Taking care not to look any of my classmates in the eye, I walk through the doorframe. Heads turn, people immediately begin to stare at me for a moment, then catch themselves and pretend they didn’t see me at all. I slide into my seat, hoping no one will talk to me. The teacher gives me a sympathetic glance.

No one said a thing. In fact, no ones talked to me all day, except Ashley, but she knows. She’s the one who yells at the kids who stare, who walks with me so I don’t feel so alone. I want to scream at everyone, these kids who I’ve known since junior high, “It’s me, Katie! So I don’t have hair! I’m still the same girl! Talk to me!”

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