Wait, I have to answer all of those in one ficlet? You’re not trying to stump the LoA, are you? Cause that’s been tried by Algai ‘D’ Aman. Certainly makes a lot spring to mind, so I’ll have to think about it.LoA
I hate #4 b/c I am always terrified of fires b/c there’s so many things that I have memories of.
ok well how bout ur just going to an island or something? and you dont have to write in like complete sentances or anything, haha. it can be more than 1 ficlet if u need, also.
ok well how bout ur just going to an island or something?
and you dont have to write in like complete sentances or anything, haha. it can be more than 1 ficlet if u need, also.
Mine is a total stretch…but hey I answered it lol. Have fun :)-Cat the Dancing Mouse
THX 0477
Sailor Emo
Cat the Dancing Mouse