My Birthday Present
“Just a bit further.”
I patiently stumbled along, following the voices of my friends. If I wasn’t patient they’d leave me to find it on my own and I didn’t even what it was!
“You’ll recognize the present. It’s pretty big.”
I shook my head. On later speculation it wasn’t such a good idea. I lost my balance and, since I couldn’t see, tripped over the curb. The curb? Suddenly it all came together. The secrecy, the outside, ‘it’s BIG ’!!
I ripped the blindfold off and gaped at my present. I walked around and let my fingers glide along freedom. I looked at the speed of excellence. I sat down and grasped the feel of the handlebars to my escape from normal world. I could all ready feel the wind in my hair. The feeling of the helmet pressing down on my hair.
“Do you like it?”
I answered with a deafening roar. My tires were all ready spinning as I left the curb and headed to the highway. I had all ready melded with my new present. Made a bond most sacred.
Marriage of motorcycle and cyclist.