I clicked on this because of the interesting title. Then the prequel, and sequel, back to prequel and so on. I am thoroughly entertained. Absolutely magnificent!
I am sooooo absolutely thrilled that this made it to the featured ficlets place of honor. I don’t think that I could grin any wider if it had been one of my own. Congrats Kermi!!!!!!
Congrats on the feature, KermitGorf – well deserved & great to see that in addition to your other skills (ninja, num-chuck, bow-hunting, toboggan sledding, bull riding, and so on…) you got ficlet feature skillz. Way to represent!
Howie Amourscow
Tad Winslow
N555champ /\and/\ X-Ninja
N555champ /\and/\ X-Ninja
Sailor Emo
THX 0477
Storykeeper of Fae