please tell us why they do what they do? for instance NOONELIKE TO READALL the comics. was hey a beetle bailey man because he and his blind grandfather used to watch gomer pyle, and he used to describe pyle like they were beetle bailey characters and his gramps never knew pyle wasn’t a cartoon. And she laughed because the trump towers article had donald’s bad comb over just like her Grandfather who everyone called the crazy cat man that’s why she laughed. (continued below)
Ces, you know these characters and you love them, you can’t fall in love with a watch by a description of what it does. But the watchmaker loves the watch because he knows WHY it does what it does. So let us love these characters give us blood and emotions. I have been married three times i had seven step moms no couple is without issues we want the issues you have to be their shrink and God and creator, who leaks the goodies to US the reader. or we wont fall in love.
emma jo_234
Mighty-Joe Young
Mighty-Joe Young
Mighty-Joe Young