
Pasta Challenge (It's Raining Pasta!)

“And now, folks, reports have been coming in from all over that it is raining pasta in different regions of our country! Here’s Tom with more information on this story.”

“Thank you, Jake,” said the reporter on the television. “Yes, it’s true! Spaghetti, ravioli, all kinds of pasta are raining here in Wisconsin. It’s a very odd turn of events, really. The first report came from Jessi Parker about noon today…and here we are with Miss Parker for the real story!”

A woman with angel-hair noodles stuck in her hair appeared on the screen. “I was hit with a piece of macaroni about twelve o’clock today,” she explained. “At first I thought someday was throwing them at me, but then I realized it was raining pasta!”

“Thank you, Miss Parker,” the reporter smiled toothily. “And now back to Jake for the next big story… AHHHH ! Help! It’s raining meatballs! Go to commercial!”

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