Sounds fun.
I already wrote mine, well one resolution I have others, but I don’t think I’m going to share them :)
Wow…this sure isn’t going to be difficult to judge, I’ve only got four entries! Come on people, it’s my first challenge!
heres my ficlet challenge entry thing: was fun :]
wow i actually finished my entry before the deadline.. i guess I don’t procrastinate as much as I thought, well not were writing is concerned anway..
Six of these. Thanks to all who’ve participated thus far, and shame on you if you haven’t.
Been trying to get my head around it all day, and just can’t come up with something. Must be the distractions. Maybe tomorrow the muse will strike.LoA
Mask By The Moon
Mistress Elsha Hawk
emma jo_234
Leave Me A Note
emma jo_234
THX 0477