The Angry Comic
Somehow he got past security. Maybe his skills as an actor on TV, stage and screen had paid off.
The honored guest was finishing up his speech, “Thank you thank you ladies and germs, ” and he gave a loud uproarious laugh that pleased the crowd.
“Stole that joke from me,” the intruder said under his breath.
Two elderly gentleman in the back row looked at him and the taller of the two said, “You should call sanitation and have them pick up the rest of your garbage,” and they both did a belly laugh.
I must remember to aim for that grouchy pair before I leave, wokka wokka, the uninivited guest said to himself.
Blocking his way was a tall yellow feathered behemoth.
“Outta my way birdbrain,” yelled the disgruntled bear.
Walking past an orange and yellow couple holding hands, the bear headed to the podium, Glock in hand.
“Fozzie Bear, it can’t be,” said a short brown dog sitting at the piano, “What brings you here, the free buffet?”
Fozzie the angry comic lunged at his former collaborator.