
No Heros Amongst Thieves pt.5

Sighing, Alodie sat back in her seat. She looked down at her muddy boots. She could not find her black boots. She instead put on a pair of her great grandmothers. They were medieval in style and so she hardly ever wore them. Irvin admired them so; Alodie thought they would be perfect. They had pointed toes and the heels came in then bent out with a broad end. They were deep chocolate brown. Alodie thanked God all the way home that her meddling sisters-in-law had not spied them for they detested them with a passion. They all wore typical 18th centaury shoes with gold and silver buckles. If you lined them up and looked at only their feet, you would not tell them apart. Could not; it was impossible. Today they had all been sporting unflatteringly cut black shoes with silver buckles that shined so you could see your reflection. Alodie ruffled her skirts all morning making sure you could not see her boots. Something about those boots made her feel special. Somehow, it made her feel closer to her grandmother.

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