Titan (Third Dynasty) pt.31
It was in this seclusion that Titan evolved away from the craze of the other planets. This was not hard, considering how far away Titan lay from the cluster of civilisation. It became known to the others as the outcast or the green planet. Titan knew nothing about this, though could have complied with the later as by 2750, the entire place had at least one plant (not including mondo grass) within every square metre. It was truly a beautiful place. It remained so as the population never reached more than 120 000 in the six hundred years since it was settled. It’s primary religion is Paganism though absolutely no one is Christian because of the Orthodoxy scare on Mars. There are three continents. Zathene, the most northerly continent is also the coldest. Like Earth, both poles of Titan are considerably colder than the Equator and the two tropics (the tropic of Taurus and the tropic of Aquarius).