
The Exam

Nigel sat staring at the psych test on the screen in front of him. “What a bunch of crap,” he muttered to himself.
The first question had a picture of a glass of water that was half filled. It asked him to describe it.
Obviously they wanted to know if he had a positive or negative outlook based on whether he saw it as half full or half empty. He pulled the keyboard towards him and wrote, “The glass is twice as big as it needs to be.”
The next question showed several intersecting rectangles and asked “How many 4 sided figures do you see?” Nigel wrote, “Lots”.
After answering a dozen more questions in a similar fashion, the exam supervisor came over to his desk. “Could you come with me please?”
Nigel looked up. “I haven’t finished the exam yet.”
“Please come with me,” the supervisor repeated.
Nigel pushed back his chair and stood up. The supervisor escorted him to the door and opened it.
Outside in the hallway a large man was waiting for him.
“Please come with me,” he rumbled.

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