
Mask By The Moon: A Philosophical Exploration of the Pen Name That You've Heard About a Little Too Much BUT SEE IT AGAIN!

Mask by the moon. A name that has a mysterious air about it, especially for such a “peppy” little kid like me! You’ve all heard the story before, but just to refresh your memory:

My friend and I were cloudwatching, a bit flustered from a mask shaped cloud we’d seen during the day. It was creepy as all get out, and we were seeing if we could find something cute.

We got something completely different. RIGHT next to the moon(hence the “by the moon” part) was that same mask(“Mask”)!! We freaked out, and ran to my dad. The next day, I was coming up for a nom de plume better than “Queen of Pickles and All Things Vinegar-Soaked”, I figured Mask By The Moon would be pleasant and very imagination prodding. So I put that down, and now you all know me as MBTM .


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