
A Love Letter To All My Fellow Ficleteers

Dearest You,

I wish to humbly thank you for boosting Earth’s state of humanity in each other your 64 to 1024 character ficlets. Some have brought endless entertainment: others deep thoughts: others deeper still. A greater intellectual strength is a dream of many, and you have added to the cause (knowing or unknowning) to fight against stupidity. Furthermore, you have engaged in the battle by exploring your natural strengths of writing as to improve them through practice. Yes, my dearest, you have sweetly touched many minds with your wonderful stories, ideas, and comments.
So Cheers! Keep writing: keep the world spinning ‘round and ‘round. Leave your mark on History! I applaud every one of you for adding a little extra something to someone’s day. Adding an extra laugh; an extra moment of delight: maybe even opening the eyes of someone that needed to step outside of their closed frame of mind. Bravo! Happy New Year, Good Travels, and Fantastic Writings!

Forever yours,
Cat the Dancing Mouse

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