
Jenunique: An Almost Philosophical Tale of the Pen Name that Wanted to Grow into a Faery Tale of Not So Epic Proportions

As our story begins many, many, many moons ago, a child, not so unlike others was born. She was rightly named Jennifer. As she grew, she adjusted and became the perfect Jennifer. (reference:

Upon entering and meandering through elementary, junior high and high school, friends, relatives, teachers, administrators, and people in general became more and more aware that something was just not right with this particularly bright young woman. Now, mind you, it was not that it was wrong. Something was just not exactly, right.

Thus, her Senior Year, she was voted as the Most Unique in her class.

And so, this young woman became the Jenunique you all must put with on a daily basis here. In the land of Ficlets. Supportive most days. Argumentative in all fairness. Sneaky, sarcastic and mischievious when she can get away with it.

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