
Start of the Revenge

It was terrible what you did to me. I start to plan my revenge when the bell rings. You get up and move toward me. I glare at you and start to walk away. You gave my shoulder. “What did I do now?” he said, looser I thought. ” You know the shit that you did, don’t play dumb”, I yelled, making a scene, yessss. If he denies it I’ll bring up his little secret. ” what are you talking about you slept with me, damn we should be going out.” Oh, it is on! “Let’s go some place private”, I say. You joke, ” What can’t get enough of me?”. I laugh out loud and be walk into the janitors room. “I’m sorry I refuse to date a guy that uses a girl so that he can loose his by druging her and doing away with her.” You blush and I keep it up, “what is wrong, Ted? A little scared that you spread this rumor, forgeting I know you secret”. “You wouldn’t dare”, you glare. “Oh, I sure damn will. You damn well deserve it.” You start kissing me, idiot, I slam open the door. I then push you and kick you in the ass. Haha!

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