
Parking Garage Confession

Chris and Thora leave starbucks with the completed rental application. They take a walk to the parking garage.

Chris starts to think about all the things that he wants to tell Thora. All those thoughts that have been slowly driving him insane. He really wants to move in with her. He knows its the right thing to do, considering how he feels. He starts thinking how he wants to tell her.

“Thor, I have something to tell you.” He begins. ” I have been wanting to say this for some time” “Oh?” She responds.

“Thora I have been in love with you since college, I have been wanting to be with you ever since. You have always been there for me and you are my best friend. Thora I love you and I want you to be my girlfriend” He confessed.

“Chris I have to admit im touched. I have felt the same way but, was never sure if you felt the same way. I love you too, your my best friend. I was just never sure how that would work” She admitted. “Chris I would be honored to be your girlfriend”

He kisses her cheek.

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