
Just Another 1950's Barfight (99th Ficlet Challenge Version 2)

To begin, I am Samanth Hamara, the once prestigious C.E.O. of the Hamara Telephone Company. Then, I decided to celebrate New Year 1950 with a bang.

I entered the tavern… and I immediately saw the shelf of liquor with eager bartender behind. I didn’t take one step in before a sudden impulse told me to duck right, into the poledancing stage. T’was wise, as a handful of bullets sped over my head. Before a few minutes past, the tavern erupted into chaos.

The poledancers, three women and- a man?!- ducked down with me. I realized this from my slight military training, that I should bum-rush the bar counter. It provided a fair bit of cover. I commanded the poledancers to form with me in the bum-rush; all but the man were shot as part of a protective meatshield. I drew the shotgun that the barkeep had forgotten, and began firing off rounds at the chaos.

Then, I was dumbstruck by tear gas and bullets flying at my chest. And that’s how the first female C.E.O. died that day. So let me in the gates.

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