

Chris walks in the door. He is glad to be home from work.
“Thor” he shouted

“Im in my office” She called out to him.

Within minutes he appears in the doorway. Thora is at her computer typing. She pauses, turns around and greets him. She puts her hands on his cheeks and kisses him. Chris puts his arms around her and begins to weep softly. ” I was so scared I’d lose you” He confessed. “I didn’t want that accident to be the end of me.When I was waiting for help to arrive, all i could think about was you.” He said as he looked into her eyes. “That’s kinda like how I felt” She agreed. “When I called your office I was so relieved to learn that you made it there safely” She admitted.

“I will make us some dinner.” She said. “What do you want?” She asked him.

“I don’t mind, at this point id eat anything,im so hungry” Chris admitted.

The pair are in the kitchen cooking dinner together. Chris stood behind Thora and watched. He felt blessed that he was forsaken, and he was not a fatality in that crash.

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