
The real aftermath.

Were I an actor, what happened tonight would be hailed as an Oscar caliber performance. Since I’m not, it will remain an unknown episode to all save a few and those few will want nothing more than to forget it. At times like this, it’s very understandable why people enjoy watching movies so much. What we see on the big screen is the proud, defiant stand against the obvious evil and the moment of triumph over it. What we almost never see is the cold, reflective aftermath, the hero coming down off the highs of adrenaline and righteous anger, crashing down into a hangover of exhaustion, melancholy and even some regret for saying what had to be said, for destroying even though the destruction was necessary to build anew and the dread realization that there will be fallout to deal with for God knows how long. As I sit here, nursing a bourbon, looking around at nothing in particular, I find myself surprised to realize that just because something is right and good doesn’t mean that it’s not also absolutely horrible.

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