
The Tragic Death of a Polish Ballerina {99 Ficlet Challenge}

Detective Dick Richards stood on the stage, looking down at the corpse of the ballerina. The body was lying on its side, with a harpoon running through it. The girl couldn’t have been over 20 years old. He turned to the police officer standing next to him.

“What to we know about her?” he asked.

The policeman flipped open his notebook and said, “Maria Mickiewicz, a Polish ballerina. This was supposed to be her last show in the States. Right in the middle of her performance she got harpooned. I suspect it was Communist related.”

“Any witness statements?” Richards asked.

“Nope,” the officer replied.

“A theatre full of people watching a ballerina get harpooned and nobody got a witness statement?” Richards said, irritated.

“Nobody saw who shot the harpoon. You got any ideas? I think it was a Commie.”

Richards lit a Lucky Strike and took a long drag. “Nobody saw someone shoot a harpoon? Seriously? Jesus Christ! Get some men out to the boat docks. Question some of the whalers.”

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