
Body Disposal.

As the time ticked by i was starting to get nervous not so nervous where i felt like running. The body in my bathroom was smelling up quicker then i had expected. It has bin three hours since i slit his throat in the bath tub and five hours since i killed him. As i stood in the bathroom door way i could see his cold dead eyes starring at me. Where ever i moved it would follow me. I grabbed his arm and started to saw it off blood that lay inside of it came in drips. The more cutting i did the less the blood came. It made my job a lot easier. I stuffed the body in a garbage bag i knew i had to double stuff the body parts. By the time i had the body in my trunk the sun was up i can feel the butterfly in my stomach. This wasn’t so much my first kill but i knew coming into this trouble would stir. I buried the body in the woods before dawn could come up. When i got back to my hotel a man was waiting. I knew i screwed up when i felt a gun press down on the back of my head. The last thing i remember is the gun shot.

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