Fox Hole
The days were getting longer by the second. I was dug in tight in my fox hole. Shells were dropping from everywhere. I could feel each and one of them hitting the ground. I was waiting for a kid to yell out medic. I was waiting for something but don’t know what. The days of war has drawn me into bleakness. I cant tell whats real no more. As i live in my fox hole i fear nothing i am scared of no man. This is my home this is were i stand this is where i die. When i die is up to me and it is not up to no man.
Time is an absent. The yells are getting louder the cries never end.
Where do we go from here
I look and see the clouds blacken. I close my eyes and wish for everything to end
As my eyes open to the ground where we call home silence surrounds us. All the cries the yelling are silenced.
As i stand in my fox hole i could see freedom and peace.
As i stare into the end of all of this.