
Llama's Quiz Thingy

1.ENGLAND! i went there once and i loveed it, i’m gonna go to college there (i can dream!!!) and live tthere when i grow up. I already have a perfect British accent and a decent Irish one.

2. One where you win a lot of money. (superficial, that’s me!)
3. The Clothing Lane! (Like clothing line? But with my name? Eh, never mind.)

4. Assuming my family and dog were safe and my family would take everything importand to them, um..coughmy…um..turns redblanketandstuffedrabbit!!coughcough ahem.
5. A cure for cancer! Who wouldn’t?

6. John Lennon! ( Do i need to explain that? Hmm? Hmm? I didn’t think so.)

7. See number five.

8.20 million so i would blow it all in one trip to borders.
9. In a perfect world, i would donate it. In this world, I would blow it all in one trip to borders. and pay for colllege and stuff.

10. it changes a lot, but at the mo it’s purple.

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